
Vikki Holstein is the author of Breaking Storm, the first book in her romantic suspense series, White Wattle Creek.

An avid reader from a young age, Vikki often escaped into other worlds and lives, and discovered romance novels at the age of fourteen. She devoured romance, fantasy, science fiction, horror, and anything else she could get her hands on until the year 2000, after her third child was born, and she decided to write what she hadn’t found in any book yet. A story like her own.

A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, her writing reflects the courage it takes to trust again, and the struggle to forgive ourselves on the journey to finding love, peace, and happiness. Her stories invariably feature horses as they were an integral part of her survival as a child and teenager.

Now a wife, mother, and storyteller, she lives in central Victoria, Australia, with her husband and herd of animals. When not writing, she spends time with her horses, helping her husband on his latest renovation project, reading, or gardening.